(561) 571-1405 [email protected]

Getting Divorced and Need Help With A Property Appraisal?

Divorce is an unfortunate event that often brings with it a lot of difficult decisions that may require professional expertise and advice. For homeowners, part of that list include parting with property, including real estate holdings.

Whether one partner is buying another out, determining an equity position or considering the sale of the asset, we can provide a fair market valuation to solve the question as to what the value of the real estate is.  Often times opposing divorce counsel will suggest that each party to the divorce seek their own appraisal valuation. We provide a meaningful and relevant appraisal analysis and are experts in courtroom testimony as well.

Here’s What You Can Expect From Us


Seasoned appraisers with local knowledge of your neighborhood. Often an inexperienced appraiser does not understand the subtle difference among homes and neighborhoods beyond that of a typical tract subdivision. This is where we excel by over 100 years of combined experience in the South Florida market.

Clear communication

From the moment we engage an assignment to value your property to the delivery of your appraisal you can count on us to keep you updated as to the progress of the assignment.

Attention to detail

A confidential seasoned professional who understands the delicate nature and circumstances that are involved when performing a thorough appraisal inspection and delivering a fair market valuation.

How do we Appraise A Property?

We analyze recent sales and listing information for comparable properties based on factors that include but are not limited to:









Room Count


Location Of Property


How Do I Know I Will Get An Honest Quality Report?

Appraisals are conducted by highly-trained professionals who are certified to determine the value of a home fairly, objectively and without bias. His or her opinion of the value of your home is informed by rigorous training, numerous tests, on-the-job experience and required continuing education. They are also required to substantiate every finding in their reports that could influence a home’s value. Appraisers are regulated by a governing body. Consequences of issuing deliberately misleading or biased reports can be severe, so appraisers work hard to remain impartial and keep personal value judgments and prejudices out of their work.

Schedule Your Property Appraisal Today

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